Residential Life at Olney

The Residential Life Program at Olney gives students the opportunity to build the skills that help them thrive in community. By sharing public and private spaces with their peers, students learn to understand and respect cultural differences, work through conflicts, and share ideas about current local and global issues. Building trust is a fundamental goal of the Residential Life Program. We do not lock dorm rooms which we believe helps students to learn to trust each other as well as take responsibility for themselves.

Title IX

Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Olney Friends School is required by federal and state law to provide an academic and working environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of sex. Our school is committed to the safety and well-being of all its community members. In order to accomplish this goal, Olney offers multiple resources for victims of sexual discrimination or harassment. Olney Friends School encourages students, employees, or visitors who have questions about policies, grievance procedures, and individual rights or would like to report an alleged incident of gender-based misconduct, can contact the following individuals for support

Vicki Lowry
Title IX Coordinator
Main Officer Manger and Events Coordinator
61830 Sandy Ridge Road
Barnesville, OH 43713
740-425-3655 (Ext. 203):


Shea Bugala
Title IX Coordinator
Student Life and Activities Coordinator
61830 Sandy Ridge Road
Barnesville, OH 43713
740-425-3655 (Ext. 253):

Day & Boarding Options

Day, 5-day, and 7-day

In addition to its long-standing boarding population, Olney Friends School embraces the day student population into the residential life program. Day students often participate in many of the dorm activities.  The weekend activities often center around residential activities. During the first semester returning students room with new students, and this integration encourages members of the community to become acquainted with each other, as well as offering a new student a more experienced peer to help guide them through life at Olney.  Students appreciate the small, family-like atmosphere, the relationships they enjoy with each other, their many interactions with teachers, and the pursuit of a tight-knit safe place to play.


Cooperation over Competition

At Olney, students learn perseverance and teamwork through physical fitness. Our students are required to participate in “Sports Block” four times per week in the afternoon hours. Olney Friends School offers a variety of sports that vary depending on interest, season, and expertise of our faculty. Previous athletic offerings have included activities such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, Gym-EX, and yoga.


Let us then try what love can do. -William Penn

At Olney, you will practice leadership and learn through experience. You will help with office work, have the opportunity to be a dorm leader, and participate in “Self-Gov” and Community Meeting—where you will find yourself in lengthy conversations about how to develop policies and programming that can have a real impact on the community. There are many opportunities in which students are leading their fellow students to complete tasks, accomplish goals, and make real change.  

Office Work

Respect for the Dignity of All Work

At Olney Friends School, we believe in the Quaker testimony of Stewardship. Stewardship means taking good care of our resources so that they are around for others to use. Through the Office Work program, every aspect of our daily operations is supported by our students and faculty, from washing dishes to mopping the floors. Students develop leadership and responsibility through the daily maintenance and upkeep of their community.