Freshfolk Chad helping Aaron our Assistant Farm Manager, set up a new run for the chickens. The goal is to eventually move them into the hoop house to help compost the soil and eat the weeds and pests. #olneyatolney
Snow Look up… From bleakening hills Blows down the light, first breath Of wintry wind…look up, and scent The snow! -Adelaide Crapsey
The Olney Current has arrived! Recently mailed to hundreds of Olney alumni and friends, this issue of The Olney Current is now available online for you. Read and/or download the newest current here – Donations towards the cost of producing The Olney Current, online or print, are always welcome! […]
Our final Student Spotlight for this school year is our beloved Johari Bevington. If your looking for help for a project, or help coordinating something at the school you can always count on Johari. She is by far one of the hardest working students, and we are so lucky to have her at Olney Friends […]
Our Sophomores are having a plant sale this Friday!! Please show your support and come on out, and pick out some awesome new plants!
One of the most amazing times to be at Olney Friends School for is “Kidding” season! It has officially begun, and we already have the first baby of the season! Let the cuteness overload begin! (The momma is doing great as well!)
Last night we had two very special arrivals at Olney! Our herd welcomed 2 new calves!
Nothing beats a creative storyteller to immerse you into their world, and last week for February Friday we were lucky to experience that here at Olney! Storyteller Judi Tarowsky was a newspaper reporter and editor for more than 25 years and told other peoples stories. Now, as a storyteller she gets to tell her own. […]
Happy Valentine’s Day from Olney Friends School! During the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance. We celebrated Saturday evening with a school dance […]