Olney Friends School invites you to join us virtually to hear from our next guest speaker: Lars Etzkorn ’83 will present the following live video conference, “Estate Planning 101 & Living Legacy,” on Thursday, April 21st, at 7:00 PM EDT. Lars’ legal practice focuses on estate and life planning, trust and estate administration, charitable […]
As Olney Friends School prepares for its 180th academic year, many exciting changes are taking place on campus. Cynthia Walker, our Dean of Academic …
Commencement Schedule Friday May 26, 2017 3:30 – 5:30 Reception – Music Box -Sign in, meet your classmates, have a snack 4:00 Silent Auction begins …
As of Friday, April 21st, seven kids have been born on campus. Students Rachel, Iris, and Ari all assisted in the delivery of Judith’s three kids …
While Olney Friends School currently enrolls its highest number of day students in recent history, the majority attend as either 5-day or 7-day …
Kayla Kellar ’15 stands atop the Girls Dorm at Olney Friends School. Her senior “Graddy” essay inspired the installation of solar paneling for the …
On Saturday, January 21st, an estimated 500,000-1,000,000 people took to the streets of the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington. …