What grade are you in?
I’m in grade 12.
How long have you attended Olney Friends School?
I’ve attended Olney for about 5 months now.
What is your most enjoyable class? What do you enjoy about it?
Humanities is my best class this far because I get to think out loud and be open to exploring more of what I don’t know.
Do you have a chosen career path? If so, what?
My dream is to become a world-renowned architect. and have my own tech company.
Tell me a little about your life at Olney.
I enjoy making beats on my laptop and working out, oh and relaxing.
What would you tell someone who wanted to attend Olney Friends School?
Well firstly there are good memories that are going to be made, and those memories cant be forgotten. there are many hard times, especially as an international student like myself. it’s very easy to get homesick and think about family and your parents. but I really enjoy how the school makes us do a lot of things (sports, homework, Olney hours, etc.) to help us not think of home that much. it’s a good school with a lot of character and personality. which will give you a lot of people to fit in with.
What should school “Do” for you?
I believe that school should build you for the outside world you’re going to experience after school and College, In terms of life and challenges, you’re going to face later on in life.
How important is education to you?
If I had to rate it, it would be 8/10 because I believe that we need more experience in general wherever we are.
What is your least favorite thing about attending Olney Friends School?
My LEAST favorite thing to do is MFW
What’s the best piece of advice someone has given you?
The Drum Major Instinct, by MLK.
What are three awesome things about yourself?
What is a big world problem that you would like to change, or has a large impact on you?